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Our Energy Sources | Enova Community Energy

Benefits of using the solar you generate: load shifting explained. Free PDF download

Australia’s energy market is rapidly changing. We have one of the world's highest uptakes of household solar - with 450,000 systems in NSW alone at last count (2019)! Australians with solar panels on their rooftops will greatly benefit from becoming more informed about how to get the most from their systems.

As a solar household, we’re on a mission to provide valuable and useful material that helps you understand your energy and how you use it. The relationship between your energy use, your solar generation and your feed-in tariff may not be what you think!

So, we’ve put together this handy downloadable guide to help people with solar to get the most from their systems.  


This guide covers:  

  • Why it is best to use the energy your solar system generates 
  • Load shifting explained 
  • Environmental and financial benefits of load shifting your energy use 
  • Key questions and tips for you to consider and implement 
  • A great practical case study from one of our Enova Energy Coaches 


Raising your awareness around what energy you generate, what you use, and when you use it, will benefit you! 

Download your copy of the guide today! 

getting the most out of your solar system


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