For customers affected by the recent NSW and QLD flood events, we're here to help. Please click here for our latest updates and how we can best support you.

Our Energy Sources | Enova Community Energy

We've joined the Together We Can movement - to help create a future we can be proud of



We are at a defining moment in history. The climate action we take this decade will determine our future.

We can create a future we can be proud of and protect the people and places we love but only if we come together and stand for climate action.

We know the majority of Australians want more action on climate. Australia is perfectly positioned to take advantage of our abundant sun and wind, to become a clean energy powerhouse.

It's time to get behind the solutions for a safe and healthy future for all. Let's make it happen!

We are proudly joining the Together We Can movement, a collection of everyday Australians, groups and businesses from all over the country who want more action on climate change.

We at Enova are part of the movement because we believe everyone's voice matters and everyone's climate story matters. We all have one. Bush fires, floods, disappearing biodiversity in our landscapes. The time is now for each and every one of us to raise our voice and be heard. Together We Can is making that happen. We're in and we'd love to invite you to join Together We Can too!


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Climate damage is here, now. But the solutions are here and ready so we can slash pollution by more than half this decade.

Done right, we can all share the benefits of climate solutions - cleaner air and water; affordable, reliable cleaner energy; jobs in growing industries. And we can protect the people and places we love.

Together we can:

(click on each yellow link to learn more about what climate actions matter and why; and how we can make the change) 

Save our big backyard

Create strong national nature laws that will protect and restore our forests, wetlands and bushland for our climate and for the animals that call them home.

Create energy independent communities

Power our schools, government offices, sporting clubs, halls and libraries with affordable, clean energy by 2025.

Travel clean

Take pollution out of transport. Save our health and climate with more accessible public transport and electric cars, running on clean energy.

Send our sunshine around the world

Australia can become a clean energy superpower in the next decade replacing coal, gas and uranium exports with renewable energy.

Move the money

Banks, super funds and energy retailers can move our money out of coal and gas. 

Raise your voice with Together We Can.

Together We Can is a campaign by the Australian Conservation Foundation to enable everyone to share their voice and be heard. It is all of us, listening, sharing and connecting over climate action. Together We Can also helps us all understand more about what climate actions are needed and why. And most importantly - how we can make these changes happen. 

We all have a reason for wanting climate action, and the reasons are as diverse as we are.

Every voice is powerful. By joining the Together We Can movement, you will have the chance to raise your voice for climate action. Join here: and create your own climate story AND drill down into each area of climate action to learn more about the challenge, opportunity, how to make change happen, tests for success and the benefits of the change.

Once you've created your very own story (all designed and bespoke to you!), you can share it with friends and family, upload it to your preferred social media channel and even send it straight to your federal Member of Parliament, all at the click of a button.

Spread the word and encourage others to join the movement.

Together we can protect our beautiful country and create jobs and safeguard our economy by doing so. Click below and join the movement.
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It’s time to stand together and unite for climate action.

Are you in?

Join the movement