Community-Owned Models
Providing access and benefits of solar to members
Renting, living in an apartment, or can’t afford a whole system and still want solar?
Solar gardens make it possible!
Enova Community Energy is supporting a first-of-its kind solar garden in NSW's Riverina region so that renters and others who are locked out of rooftop solar, can still participate in the transition to renewables and receive the benefits of solar.
Members of the solar garden will receive direct credits on their Enova energy bill for the value of the solar energy generated by their solar plot.
Find out more about the Haystacks Solar Garden and Enova's role.
Membership in the solar garden is portable – so members can still get their rebate if they move home but stay with Enova as their electricity supplier*.
Solar gardens are an example of a model that puts energy production into the hands of the community and decentralises the energy grid.
*currently within the NSW service area